This page of pics is actually day 18 through
We took a very nice field trip to the east of Calitzdorp near
the town of Oudtshoorn, which is the access to the caves from
earlier in the week and very near Louis Jordaan's farm. This
area is unbelievably rich in succulents. Every place that
we've gone has revealed more and different plants.
We, looking at them, could not comprehend the Haworthia truncata
at this site. They were literally solid on the ground for
hundreds of feet in all directions. The most successful plants
were growing under nurse bushes, but they were everywhere.
The exposed ones had a lot more red on them and tended to
be a little beat-up looking, but WOW!
We saw two different pachypodiums, succulentum and bispinosum,
but in the wild, they are nothing much more than spiny weeds.
The caudexes are buried and other than the one pictured none
were in flower.
We saw ceropegias, and a very unusual asclepiad, Microloma
sagittatum. A terrific day to wind up the field trips put
on by the conference.
The picture here is very representative of views we've had
for three weeks. This land is fantastically rich in flowering
plants. Just think, all of the purple color in this picture
are flowers on succulents. |
Every Morning
in South Africa |
Lovely Church from our Guest
House |
Tapestries in the Church hall
site of the Conference |
Final dinner at an Ostrich
Palace |
View from the breakfast veranda |
Very interesting conservation project
by schoolchildren |
Tortise in the Grootkop |
How's this for a grasshopper, supposed
to be poisonous |
Beautiful vews in all directions |
A field full of Cotyledons |
Lunch site on the field trip |
Aloe variegata, hundreds |
Haworthias |
under bushes |
Crassula capitella everywhere |
A variegated form |
Pachypodium bispinosum |
A very interesting ascplepiad Microloma
sagittatum |
Euphorbia clandestina |
Dromea, looks like a snake |
Wildflowers |
in the veld |
More |
Wildflowers |
Conophytums |
everywhere |
Beautiful Gasteria brachyphylla |
Trichodiademia |
Aloe humilis |
Ceropegia |
Glottiphyllum depressum |
Aloe Striata x Comptonii |
Another wildflower |
Senecio radicans |
Interesting Coyledon form |
Thorn trees everywhere |
Euphorbia ican'trememberi |
Aloe microstigma |
Collection of plants by Mom |
So many Haworthia truncata, you could
not walk |